• [Friends Forever: Volume 3 (Signed Edition) (Product Image)]
  • Friends Forever: Volume 3 (Signed Edition)

    • Currently Unavailable
    • Signed
    Signed by: Shannon Hale
    Author: Shannon Hale
    Artist: Pham LeUyen
    Published by: First Second

    £8.99 RRP£10.99

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Product Description

Following up their mega-bestselling Real Friends and Best Friends graphic memoirs, Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham are back with Friends Forever, a story about learning to love yourself exactly as you are.

Shannon is in eighth grade, and life is more complicated than ever. Everything keeps changing, her classmates are starting to date each other (but nobody wants to date her!), and no matter how hard she tries, Shannon can never seem to just be happy.

As she works through her insecurities and undiagnosed depression, she worries about disappointing all the people who care about her. Is something wrong with her? Can she be the person everyone expects her to be? And who does she actually want to be?

With their signature humor, warmth and insight, Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham have crafted another incredible love letter to their younger selves and to readers everywhere, a reminder to us all that we are enough

Product Specifications

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  • Trade Paperback
  • 3
Cat. No.
  • 5122417
  • 9781250317568