• [Garden Variety (Product Image)]
  • Garden Variety

    • Discontinued
    Manufacturer: Teeturtle
    • Discontinued

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Product Description

Garden Variety is a charming and simple card game that sweeps players into the joy of gardening without any of the mess. Suitable for 2 to 5 players aged 8 and up, this light-hearted game blends elements of strategy and luck for quick, engaging play sessions lasting just 10-15 minutes.

Players dive into the roles of gardeners aiming to create the most beautiful garden by playing seed, tool, and occasional weed cards. The game is easy to pick up, offering a fun mix of planning and surprise, as players try to outwit each other and cope with the twists and turns that come their way.

With its delightful illustrations and a nod to various plants, Garden Variety not only entertains but sparks curiosity about gardening. It’s an ideal pick for a quick game night or as a pleasant way to introduce younger players to card games. This game promises fun for friends and family, making it a perfect addition to any casual gamer’s collection.