Star Wars: Dad Jokes: The Best Worst Jokes & Puns From A Galaxy Far, Far Away... (Hardcover)
- Universe: Star Wars
- Author: Kelly Knox
- Published by: Chronicle Books
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Product Description
A charmingly corny book of Star Wars-inspired dad jokes, perfect for geeky fathers, pun lovers, and sci-fi fans of any age.
What kind of stories do Wookiee parents tell at bedtime? Hairy tales.
Why do the warriors of Mandalore leave their helmets on? It’s Mandator-ian.
A Jedi Master fights with a lightsaber, but a Jedi father wields the most powerful weapon of all: comedy. Fight the Sith with the knee-slapping, groan-inducing power of these Star Wars -inspired dad jokes or join the dark side and terrorize your family and friends with an army of bad puns. The perfect balance of hokey and wholesome, Star Wars: Dad Jokes is sure to slip through any defences and have even the most serious of Padawans rolling their eyes.
As Master Yoda might say: Laugh, you must! (c) & (TM) 2023 Lucasfilm Ltd.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genres
- Publisher
- Type
- Universe
- Binding
- Hardback
- Cat. No.
- 6339333
- 9781797227450
- 9781797227450