• [Kelvren's Saga: Book 2: Gryphon's Valor (Product Image)]
  • Kelvren's Saga: Book 2: Gryphon's Valor

    • Pre-Order
    Authors: Mercedes Lackey, and Larry Dixon
    Published by: Titan Books

    £10.99 RRP£17.99

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Product Description

Beloved legend-in-his-own-mind Kelvren, a true luminary among gryphons, leads an air force of foreign agents and a flotilla of craft into the mystery of Lake Evendim’s storm-sieged center. 

The second explosion of the Cataclysm occurred there, but why was it less destructive than the first one?

Kelvren and old friend Firesong think the answers will also explain the surge of otherworldy, deadly creatures bringing lethal chaos to Valdemar. 

Displaced allies and shocking truths are discovered among the Lake’s horrors and twisted islands tortured by magic’s fury!

Product Specifications

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  • Hardback
Cat. No.
  • 6321451
  • 9781803366890
  • 9781803366890