Star Wars: The Essential Atlas
- Discontinued
- Universe: Star Wars
- Authors: Daniel Wallace, and Jason Fry
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
If you’ve ever wondered where a Wookie comes from, or had trouble remembering where that hidden Rebel base is located, then look no further. The fourth in the Essential Guides series offers a comprehensive and accessible guide to the exciting and exotic locations of the ever-expanding Star Wars universe.
As well as some of the more familiar planets such as Tatooine, Hoth and Coscurant (The Imperial homeworld), this large-format, illustrated volume gives the low-down on some of the further-flung corners of the galaxy, including planets and moons featured in the comic and paperback spin-offs. Each planet featured has a detailed account of the local terrain, the indigenous natives and their significance and relevance to Star Wars lore in general.