Dune: Exposures (Hardcover)
- Universe: Dune
- Authors: Greig Fraser, and Josh Brolin
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
During the shooting of Dune, director Denis Villeneuve asked Fraser if he would document the filming process using still photography. This unusual request led the cinematographer on an unexpected creative journey that yielded an electrifying gallery of photographs that were candid, spontaneous, abstract, and wholly evocative.
Meanwhile, Brolin, a natural writer, was so moved by the experience of shooting Dune; in which he plays warmaster Gurney Halleck, that he captured his experiences in vivid, poignant prose.
Close friends, Brolin and Fraser bonded further during production, solidifying a connection that led to this remarkable collaboration that seamlessly juxtaposes the actor’s enthralling writing with the cinematographer’s stunning images.
A unique new way to experience life on the set of Villeneuve’s Dune, this thrilling ode to the art of filmmaking from two of the most revered artists in the industry is an unmissable publishing event.
Product Specifications
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- Authors
- Genres
- Promotions
- Publisher
- Type
- Universe
- Binding
- Hardback
- Cat. No.
- 6339418
- 9781803367101
- 9781803367101