• [Kamen Rider Black: Hero's Brave Statue: Kamen Rider Black (Product Image)]
  • Kamen Rider Black: Hero's Brave Statue: Kamen Rider Black

      Manufacturer: Banpresto

      £26.09 RRP£28.99

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    Product Description

    Kamen Rider Black is the main protagonist and titular hero of television series, Kamen Rider Black. He originally goes by the name of Kohtaro Minami who was kidnapped and subjected to cyborg surgery. Before being brainwashed, Kohtaro was able to escape from the evil organization, Gorgom. Since then, he is determined to fight against Gorgom under the name, Kamen Rider Black.

    Product Specifications

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    Cat. No.
    • 6234591
    • 4983164888522