Most Haunted: Theatres
- Author: Yvette Fielding
- Artist: Hannah Shaw
- Published by: Andersen Press
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Product Description
Every building has a story and Yvette Fielding is on a quest to uncover the ghostly histories of theatres. Each of the nine theatres in this book has its own history and hauntings, brought to life by Yvette and the Most Haunted team’s investigations of the buildings.
Prepare to be spooked by ‘the father of clowns’, the ghost of the killer thespian Charles Jacklin and the lingering spirit of a ballerina who tragically took her own life…
Product Specifications
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- Artist
- Author
- Genre
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 6288556
- 9781839133237
- 9781839133237