Masterpiece #2 (Cover A Maleev)
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- From: Masterpiece
- Author: Brian Michael Bendis
- Artist: Alex Maleev
- Published by: Dark Horse Comics
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Product Description
Emma is a brilliant young woman whose life was just turned upside down by a billionaire who says that her long lost parents were in fact very famous thieves.
They took the world’s most famous billionaire for a cool billion… before they disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.
And now he wants revenge, from her.
Follow Emma as she enters into the world her parents left behind and come face to face with the PARAGON. All this brought to life by the amazing brush of Alex Maleev.
Product Specifications
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- Artist
- Author
- Genre
- Previews
- Publisher
- Series
- Type
- Wednesday Comics
- Binding
- Comic
- Cat. No.
- 6238940
- 76156801167800211