BRZRKR: Poetry Of Madness #1 (SDCC 2023 Jenny Frison Exclusive Variant)
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- Bagged & Boarded
- From: BRZRKR: Poetry of Madness
- Authors: Keanu Reeves, and Steve Skroce
- Artist: Steve Skroce
- Published by: Boom! Studios
RRP£22.99- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
A sea of gore and devastation awaits as B, through a fateful chance encounter, safeguards the advanced and ancient realm of Atlantis as its unstoppable protector. But a sickly king serves as a symbol for the rot inside, as the security and bliss created through B’s violence is shallow.
The cracks created by a secret cult might spell a monstrous end for the legendary city, one beyond even B’s ability to save. Renowned filmmaker and record-shattering comic creator Keanu Reeves joins acclaimed writer and artist Steve Skroce (Doctor Strange) for a one-shot special that fans of Lovecraftian horror would be mad to miss!
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- Comic
- Cat. No.
- 5900923