• [Mike Hammer: Baby, It's Murder (Hardcover) (Product Image)]
  • Mike Hammer: Baby, It's Murder (Hardcover)

    • Pre-Order
    Authors: Mickey Spillane, and Max Allan Collins
    Published by: Titan Books

    £12.99 RRP£19.99

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Product Description

Mike Hammer’s deadly final adventure challenges everything we knew about the enduring noir detective in this gripping finale with a shocking twist.

The concluding Hammer novel begins with a 21st century funeral before flashing back to summer, 1973.

Nine years after the events of Mike Hammer: Dig Two Graves, Hammer takes another unlikely vacation - this time on Long Island to help look after his partner Velda Sterling’s seventeen-year-old sibling, Mikki.

Mikki must deal with the attention of two boys vying for her affection - Hammer preferring the good kid from a wealthy family over the long-haired doper with an Easy Rider vibe. When Mikki gets hooked on heroin, Hammer – filled with contempt for dope dealers – goes on a rampage. He will find those behind the drug racket and teach them what shooting up is all about.

But a final resolution awaits him in the future at that funeral…

Product Specifications

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  • Hardback
Cat. No.
  • 6224677
  • 9781803364599
  • 9781803364599