• [Smoking Behind The Supermarket With You: Volume 2 (Product Image)]
  • Smoking Behind The Supermarket With You: Volume 2

      From: Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You
      Author: Jinushi
      Published by: Square Enix Manga

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      Single Issue Price: £9.22 RRP£12.99

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    Product Description

    An overworked salaryman and a mischievous cashier with a dual personality form an unexpected bond in this sweet-and-sour comedy!

    After the twists of a misdiagnosis, Sasaki’s strange yet calming nighttime smokes with Tayama continue. The office worker is still unaware that Tayama and Yamada, his therapeutic idol, are the same woman! Sasaki and Yamada are merely customer and cashier inside the store. But as more quirky supermarket employees enter the mix, will Sasaki’s relationship with Tayama begin to change?

    Product Specifications

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    Wednesday Comicss
    • Paperback
    • 2
    Cat. No.
    • 6223489
    • 978164609287151299
    • 9781646092871