Harley Quinn #32 (Cover D Joshua Sway Swaby Variant)
- Currently Unavailable
- Bagged & Boarded
- From: Harley Quinn
- Universe: DC
- Authors: Tini Howard, and Sam Maggs
- Artists: Kelley Jones, and 2 more
- Published by: DC Comics
- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
Ahoy! I’ve returned from Knight Terrors fresh-faced and well rested–Oh jeez! Looks like my new friend/interdimensional monarch who’s totally still threatening to murder my world at the drop of a hat Lady Quark is back, and she’s bearing gifts pulled straight from the deep recesses of Knight Terrors!
But I got a class to teach and finals to prepare them for! Looks like we’re taking this show…on the road! Ahhh, thee children o’ da night, what terrible music they make. Sam Maggs and Kelley Jones tell the true story of the time I got proposed to by a nasty old perv in a castle. Don’t worry, me and Ives are gonna give ‘im what for!
Product Specifications
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- Artists
- Authors
- Genre
- Packaging
- Publisher
- Series
- Type
- Universe
- Wednesday Comics
- Binding
- Comic
- Cat. No.
- 6124250
- 76194137281503241