• [Torchwood: Rift War (Product Image)]
  • Torchwood: Rift War

      Universe: Doctor Who
      Authors: Paul Grist, and 3 more
      Artists: D'Israeli, and 2 more
      Published by: Titan Books

      £6.89 RRP£9.99

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    Product Description

    Torchwood is an action-packed sci-fi series following the adventures of a team of investigators, working for the secret organisation who use scavenged alien technology to solve present day crimes - both alien and human. Now the smash hit TV series comes to comics!

    When Torchwood-3 comes under fire in an all-out attack by extra-dimensional shock troopers, the team are torn in all directions. And with a deadly rift bleeding through into their own reality, time itself could be destroyed if the Torchwood team aren’t able to stop it!

    Written by some of the UK’s top comic creators, including Paul Grist, Ian Edgington, D’Israeli and Simon Furman - “Torchwood: Rift War” is an unmissable epic!

    Product Specifications

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    • Trade Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 1825015
    • 978184856238751495
    • 9781848562387