• [On The Wall Posters: Street Art: 30 Graffiti-Inspired Posters (Product Image)]
  • On The Wall Posters: Street Art: 30 Graffiti-Inspired Posters

      Author: Superflat NB
      Published by: Adams Media

      £10.99 RRP£14.99

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    Product Description

    Give your room a new vibe with these 30 graffiti and street art-inspired wall posters.

    Transform any space with graffiti and street mural-inspired wall posters. On the Wall Posters: Street Art includes 30, 11 x 14 posters perfect for decorating bedrooms, dorm rooms—any place you love to hang! Perforated pages make each poster easy to remove. Just tear it out and hang it up! Whether you choose an individual poster or go all out with a poster wall or collage, you’re sure to find bold, colorful designs that create the perfect vibe for your room.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 6153830
    • 9781507220993
    • 9781507220993