• [Who Wants to Marry A Billionaire? Volume 6 (Product Image)]
  • Who Wants to Marry A Billionaire? Volume 6

    • Currently Unavailable
    • Adult
    From: Who Wants To Marry A Billionaire?
    Authors: Mikoto Yamaguchi, and Mario
    Published by: Seven Seas

    £9.22 RRP£12.99

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Product Description

Roped into an extreme version of the hit show Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire, Yuuna began the game determined to win. Now all she wants is to survive. With Yamada Saki as her newly-recruited ally, she prepares to square off against her final two rivals, one of whom has a secret criminal past.

The final challenge is upon them: a lascivious game of Ultimate Honeymoon where their billionaire prize will lose his life if Yuuna and her allies can’t uncover the truth!

Product Specifications

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Wednesday Comics
  • Paperback
  • 6
Cat. No.
  • 6146481
  • 978168579592451399
  • 9781685795924