Doctor Who: The 60th Anniversary Diamond Collection: Art Print: The Twelfth Doctor
- Sale
- Discontinued
- Limited Edition
- Exclusive
- Universe: Doctor Who
- Manufacturer: Titan Merchandise
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Product Description
Peter Capaldi is the Doctor!
Celebrate the Twelfth Doctor - the man who travelled alongside his friends Clara, Bill and Nardole, and spent a night on Darillium with River Song!
During their travels they faced off against many threats including the Robots of Sherwood, the Skovox Blitzer, and the Fisher King, and this era saw the introduction of Missy!
This item is part of our Doctor Who: The Diamond Collection, a celebration of 60 years of Doctor Who - featuring an impressive array of 100 pieces, each strictly limited edition.
This is release 82 in the range, and sized 11x14’’ (art print).