• [Hurry Up Chicken Butt (Product Image)]
  • Hurry Up Chicken Butt

    • Currently Unavailable
    Manufacturer: Kitten Games


    • Currently Unavailable
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Product Description

A frantic physical game of Hot Potato but with a dice globe shaker/timer.

Every card has a wacky/funny/silly activity. Shake the chicken to learn which to perform, then quickly pass the chicken to the next player. But hurry! Don’t get caught holding the chicken when the timer goes off!

45 physical activity cards you have to perform before passing the Chicken Shaker. You won’t let your kids win, but they will beat you anyway.


Chicken shaker

6 Playmats

45 Activity cards

2-6 players

2 minutes

Ages 4+

Product Specifications

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Cat. No.
  • 6118693