Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Ongoing Collection: Volume 15 (Hardcover)
- Universe: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Authors: Various, and Sophie Campbell
- Artists: Nelson Daniel, and Jodi Nishijima
- Published by: Idw Publishing
RRP£53.99- Once dispatched, estimated delivery within the United Kingdom is 3 to 5 working days
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Product Description
Presenting the complete IDW TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers and event series.
Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want. Tensions grow in Mutant Town as old friends and enemies return, and new friends return older! Karai searches for two new powerful mutants who could tip the balance of power in New York City and a familiar character from the future arrives with a most unusual quest.
Plus, the return of Casey Jones, and Bebop and Rocksteady! Then, when Jennika comes face to face with the person who almost killed her, will the other Turtles be able to stop her from exacting revenge?
Plus, the Shredder returns! Oroku Saki has been to hell and back, but will he now come to the Turtles as friend or foe?
Collects Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issues #113-124 and the Jennika II miniseries.
Product Specifications
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- Artists
- Authors
- Genres
- Previews
- Publisher
- Type
- Universe
- Wednesday Comics
- Binding
- Hardback
- Volume
- 15
- Cat. No.
- 6056117
- 9781684059911