• [Ultraman: Ultraseven (Product Image)]
  • Ultraman: Ultraseven

    • Pre-Order
    Author: Pat Cadigan
    Published by: Titan Books

    £6.20 RRP£8.99

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Product Description

Adapting the classic and genre-defining Ultraman series from the 1960s, this novelisation brings a fresh take to iconic and inventive adventures of Earth’s kaiju-battling saviour.

Pat Cadigan is a science fiction, fantasy and horror writer, three-time winner of the Locus Award, twice winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award and one-time winner of the Hugo Award.

She wrote the novelisation of Alita: Battle Angel, and a prequel novel to the highly anticipated film, Iron City.

She also wrote,Lost in Space: Promised Land, novelisations of two episodes of The Twilight Zone, the Cellular novelisation, and the novelisation and sequel to Jason X.

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 6030643
  • 9781803362441
  • 9781803362441