Rick & Morty: Sometimes Science Is More Art Than Science: The Official Colouring Book
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- Universe: Rick & Morty
- Author: Titan Books
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
Get strapped in broh! Hop in the Space Cruiser and tag along as we kick up some interdimensional trouble in Rick and Morty: The Official Colouring Book.
Don’t be a Morty! Listen to me and let your unhinged creativity run wild! That’s right, go ahead and splash your individual mark of creativity all over the pages of this official colouring book.
It was made for it! Just look at all the scenes, moments, and characters from seasons four to six waiting for your special touch. It’s like you’re right there riding shotgun as we hop from dimension to dimension on a never-ending series of impossible adventures.
The best way to really let yourself be alarmingly carefree with these pages is to buy the book! You know, so it’s yours and no one can complain if you dump glitter, or glue a bunch of feathers to a page, or like, put really thick oily paint all over it!
You can do whatever you want, but you have to buy the book! Okay?! Got it?? Now don’t let me down here. I’m trusting you.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genres
- Publisher
- Type
- Universe
- Binding
- Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 5906383
- 9781803365985
- 9781803365985