The Collector
- Author: Laura Kat Young
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
Sorrow is inefficient. It’s also inescapable.
Lieutenant Dev Singh dutifully spends his days recording the memories of people who, struck with incurable depression, will soon have their minds erased in order to be more productive members of society. After all, the Bureau knows what’s best for you.
At night though, hidden in the dark, Dev remembers and writes in his secret journal the special moments shared with him – the small laugh of a toddler, the stillness of a late afternoon. The first flutter of love. But when the Bureau finds out he’s been recounting the memories – and that the depression is in him, too – he’s sent to a sanatorium to heal.
A nightmarish descent from sadness to madness, The Collector is a dystopian horror novel where grief is forbidden and purged from the mind.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genres
- Promotion
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Trade Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 5878116
- 9781789099058
- 9781789099058