The Intruders
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- Author: Brian Pinkerton
- Published by: Flame Tree Press
RRP£12.95- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
The Intruders have arrived. Something strange is taking place in the small town of Engles, Indiana. Greg Garrett returns home from a business trip to discover his wife and children have disappeared. More people begin to vanish without a trace. The skies produce a substance that doesn’t look like natural rain.
Aggressive swarms of insects attack without warning. And late at night, residents are haunted by ghosts desperate to reveal the secrets of their existence but unable to speak.Engles is undergoing a terrifying transformation that could threaten all of civilisation.
Who is this unseen enemy? What is their mission? Discover the terrifying secrets of The Intruders.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genre
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 5878154
- 9781787587786
- 9781787587786