Konosuba: God's Blessing On This Wonderful World!: Memorial Fan Book
- Currently Unavailable
- Authors: Natsume Akatsuki, and Kurone Mishima
- Published by: Yen Press
RRP£28.99- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
This book is not for the faint of heart.
This Explooosive compendium of Konosuba content is a must-have for isekai hopefuls, collectors, and diehard fans of Natsume Akatsuki’s isekai adventure comedy masterpiece.
Every character, every joke, every spinoff has been faithfully represented and acknowledged in this full-colour love letter to Konosuba enjoyers worldwide!
And the fun doesn’t end there! Exclusive art, interviews, and a special short story are just a few of the extra goodies featured within.
If you consider yourself the ultimate Konosuba enthusiast, or if you’re just getting into the series and feel like having a handy reference tool, this gorgeous art book will be right at home on your shelf!
Product Specifications
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- Authors
- Genre
- Previews
- Publisher
- Type
- Wednesday Comics
- Binding
- Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 5732937
- 9781975325817
- 9781975325817