Exterminators: Volume 4: Crossfire And Collateral (Titan Edition)
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- Author: Simon Oliver
- Artist: Darick Robertson
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
Ex-con Henry James, trying to go straight, is still working as an exterminator for his stepfather’s firm, Bug-Bee-Gone. But the job hasn’t got any less weird…The insects have formed an army under the leadership of Henry’s vengeful former colleague, AJ, forcing Henry and Stretch to seek the dangerous aid of a drug dealer. Meanwhile, Henry’s former lover gets deeper involved with the Draxx corporation, and his current lover continues her research into the mysterious beetle-god Kheperon!This is the fourth book in the hit series is written by Simon Oliver, featuring guest artist Darick Robertson (“Transmetropolitan”, “The Boys”), and is packed with razor-sharp dialogue and a liberal splattering of gory horror! It is intended for adults only!
Product Specifications
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- Artist
- Author
- Genre
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Trade Paperback
- Volume
- 4
- Cat. No.
- 1626148
- 9781845767785
- 9781845767785