• [Final Fantasy XIV: Picture Book: The Namazu & The Greatest Gift (Hardcover) (Product Image)]
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Picture Book: The Namazu & The Greatest Gift (Hardcover)

      Universe: Final Fantasy
      Authors: Square Enix, and Banri Oda
      Artist: Hiroyuki Nagamine
      Published by: Square Enix Books

      £9.99 RRP£12.99

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    Product Description

    A whimsical, heartwarming picture book for Final Fantasy XIV fans young and old.

    When their river starts running dry, the catfish-like Namazu set out on a quest to bring the rain. They meet an odder otter who just might be able to help, but first they’ll have to find ‘something no one has ever seen.’

    Will the Namazu be able to find this precious thing? Will they be able to make it rain?

    Created by the Final Fantasy XIV development team, written by lead story designer Banri Oda, and illustrated by concept artist Hiroyuki Nagamine, this adorable tale will delight readers of all ages.

    Product Specifications

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    • Hardback
    Cat. No.
    • 5609369
    • 9781646091447
    • 9781646091447