• [Love And Rockets: Amor Y Cohetes (Titan Edition) (Product Image)]
  • Love And Rockets: Amor Y Cohetes (Titan Edition)

    • Sale
    • Discontinued
    Authors: Gilbert Hernandez, and Jaime Hernandez
    Artists: Gilbert Hernandez, and Jaime Hernandez
    Published by: Titan Books
    • Discontinued

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Product Description

To a very great extent, Love and Rockets is synonymous with Hoppers’ Maggie & Hopey and Palomar’s Luba & Carmen & Heraclio & Tonantzin… but there was always more to L&R than that.

Amor Y Cohetes finally collects together in one convenient package all the non-Maggie and non-Palomar stories by all three Hernandez Brothers from that classic first, 50-issue Love and Rockets series — a dizzying array of styles and approaches that re-confirms these groundbreaking cartoonists’ place in the history of comics.