• [The Alfred Hitchcock Story (Hardcover - New Edition) (Product Image)]
  • The Alfred Hitchcock Story (Hardcover - New Edition)

    • Currently Unavailable
    Author: Ken Mogg
    Published by: Titan Books

    £17.24 RRP£24.99

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Product Description

The first comprehensively illustrated look at the career of Alfred Hitchcock. In the tradition of the acclaimed The Hammer Story, it is an authoritative, film-by-film guide to ‘the Master’ and his work, from the early silent days of The Lodger, through his classic British period of The 39 Steps, to the Hollywood success of Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho and beyond.

Packed with hundreds of stills and posters, with many rare or unseen images, and with additional features including the director’s famous cameos - this is the ultimate book for the Hitchcock fan!

Product Specifications

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  • Hardback
Cat. No.
  • 1658255
  • 978184576708202499
  • 9781845767082