• [Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi: Hot Toys 1/6 Scale Action Figure: Scout Trooper (Product Image)]
  • Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi: Hot Toys 1/6 Scale Action Figure: Scout Trooper

    • Discontinued
    From: Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi
    Universe: Star Wars
    Brand: Hot Toys
    Manufacturer: Hot Toys
    • Discontinued

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Product Description

Imperial Scout Trooper are lightly armoured compared to other Stormtroopers, which allows them to move more quickly and easily in a range of environments. They are also trained for more independence and adaptability than most Imperial troops.

Hot Toys is delighted to introduce fans of the Imperial troopers to the new Scout Trooper Sixth Scale Collectible figure based on Star Wars: Return of the Jedi!

The highly accurate collectible figure is skilfully crafted based on the appearance of the Scout Trooper as seen in the thrilling sequences from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. It features a newly developed helmet and armour with weathering effects, a finely tailored fabric bodysuit, a blaster pistol, a blaster rifle and a themed display stand!