• [7 Good Reasons Not To Grow Up (Product Image)]
  • 7 Good Reasons Not To Grow Up

      Author: Jimmy Gownley
      Published by: Scholastic

      £7.99 RRP£9.99

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    Product Description

    The kids at prestigious Greycliff Academy are in for a surprise when their hero, Kirby Finn, turns out to be something he’s not.

    To his friends at Greycliff Academy, Kirby seems to have it all: charm, brains, and a lucky streak that won’t quit. He’s also the notorious hero creating the snarky videos 7 Good Reasons Not to Grow Up, which expose just how dumb adults can be.

    Why would any kid want to become one of them? But there’s also a mystery about Kirby. And when his best friend, Raja, finds out his secret, Kirby, Raja, and their friends have to grow up fast and face the world head-on.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    • 7
    Cat. No.
    • 5266371
    • 978054585932551299
    • 9780545859325