• [Swords Of Cerebus In Hell: Volume 4 (Product Image)]
  • Swords Of Cerebus In Hell: Volume 4

      Authors: Dave Sim, and Sandeep Atwal
      Artists: Dave Sim, and Gustave Dore
      Published by: Aardvark Vanaheim

      £12.41 RRP£17.99

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    Product Description

    Collecting: - LOVE AND AARDVARKS #1 April 2018 - THE UNDATEABLE CEREBUS #1 May 2018 - THE UN-BEDABLE CEREBUS #1 June 2018 - TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA CEREBI #1 July 2018

    CEREBUS’ adventures in Hell? (with a question mark) continue!

    Featuring Jingles’ 10 CGC-graded copies of Love & Rockets No. 21; If only Cerebus had married Maggie and Hopey; Cerebus develops ‘Cerebus Go’; God vs. Tarim; ‘Aardvark Amuck’; Infernal Realms Police Training; John Lennon in Hell?; Dante starts a dating site; Cerebus is an S.G.A. seeking a P.O.P.; Dante seeks Less Talkative Beatrice; The Batvark Codpiece goes Viral; No boy sidekicks for Batvark; Giant Fire-Breathing Nintendo Dragon Parallel Universe Video-Game Robot Reboot apps; cloning Steve Jobs; Un-Bedable Vark & Batvark crossover; Batmite and Un-Bedable Vark, ‘partners’? Batmite’s Mom & The End of ‘Un-Bedable’; Cerebus, Dante & Virgil play Grand Theft Auto; Cerebus buys Twitter; ‘Baby-Throw Shaming’; How Can You Throw a Baby?; Jingles on Puppy-Throwing; The Strange Death of Todd McFarlane’s Grey Hulk; Rembrandt! Van Gogh! Pollock! Picasso! Pollock declares the TMNC ‘greater than Jack Kirby’; Van Gogh disembowels himself for Cultural Misappropriation! Teenage Mutant Ninja Rembrandt And Pals? Cerebus gets psychoanalyzed by Francis; Batvark-mite, Batvark & The Infernal Tax Service: #WhitelivesDon’tMatter; Cerebus searches for his missing body; Batwinged Demons & Amazon’s Drone Delivery; ‘Red-State, Blue-State, Dead-State, You-State.’


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    Wednesday Comics
    • Trade Paperback
    • 4
    Cat. No.
    • 5262878
    • 9780919359642