• [Batman: The Detective #1 (Forbidden Planet Exclusive Bolland Minimal Dress Punchline Variant Signed Edition) (Product Image)]
  • Batman: The Detective #1 (Forbidden Planet Exclusive Bolland Minimal Dress Punchline Variant Signed Edition)

    • Discontinued
    • Signed
    • Limited Edition
    • Exclusive
    • Bagged & Boarded
    Signed by: Brian Bolland
    From: Batman: The Detective
    Universe: DC
    Author: Tom Taylor
    Artists: Andy Kubert, and Brian Bolland
    Published by: DC Comics
    • Discontinued

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Product Description

An epic tale begins that will take Batman on a harrowing, action-packed European adventure in a new miniseries by superstar creators Tom Taylor and Andy Kubert!

A horrific tragedy in the United Kingdom sends a very personal and deadly message to the Dark Knight, one that will draw Batman out of Gotham City to investigate! From the moment he lands in Europe, Batman will face a difficult investigation and unheard-of adversaries and find the assistance of a partner once more, all in the hunt for the villain known as Equilibrium! New villains! New allies!

A thrilling overseas adventure begins for the Dark Knight, starting with an extra-sized 26-page debut story!