• [Something More Than Night (Product Image)]
  • Something More Than Night

      Author: Kim Newman
      Published by: Titan Books

      £5.99 RRP£8.99

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    Product Description

    Hollywood, the late 1930s. Raymond Chandler writes detective stories for pulp magazines, and drinks more than he should. Boris Karloff plays monsters in the movies. Together, they investigate mysterious matters in a town run by human and inhuman monsters.

    Joh Devlin, an investigator for the DA’s office who scores high on insubordination, enlists the pair to work a case that threatens to expose Hollywood’s most horrific secrets. Together they will find out more than they should about the way this town works. And about each other. And, oh yes, monsters aren’t just for the movies.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 5140466
    • 9781789097719
    • 9781789097719