• [Rivers Of London: Volume 8: The Fey & Furious (Forbidden Planet Signed Mini Print Edition) (Product Image)]
  • Rivers Of London: Volume 8: The Fey & Furious (Forbidden Planet Signed Mini Print Edition)

    • Currently Unavailable
    • Signed
    Signed by: Ben Aaronovitch
    Universe: Rivers Of London
    Author: Ben Aaronovitch
    Artist: Andrew Cartmel
    Published by: Titan Comics


    • Currently Unavailable
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Product Description

Detective Inspector Peter Grant is back in an all-new comic miniseries from author Ben Aaronovitch!

Trouble never lies far from the race track. When a flash car belonging to a young boy racer from England washes up in the Netherlands with a bagload of unusual cargo, it’s evident there is more than meets the eye happening at street races held in an Essex car park.

Enter Detective Inspector Peter Grant. Fresh from suspension, he takes to the track in his orange ‘asbo’ Ford Focus to try and infiltrate the big leagues. But Peter soon finds himself sucked back into an Otherworld - a real-life fairyland!

Product Specifications

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  • Trade Paperback
  • 8
Cat. No.
  • 4965596