The World Of Cyberpunk 2077 (Limited Edition Hardcover)
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- Discontinued
- Exclusive
- Universe: Cyberpunk
- Author: Various Writers
- Published by: Dark Horse Comics
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Product Description
Forbidden Planet European Exclusive
The World of Cyberpunk 2077 is an extensive examination of the rich lore of Cyberpunk 2077. This intricately assembled tome contains everything you need to know about the history, characters, and world of the long-awaited follow-up from the creators of The Witcher video game series.
Step into the year 2077, a world dotted with dystopian metropoles where violence, oppression, and cyberware implants aren’t just common, they’re necessary tools to get ahead. Delve into incisive lore to discover how the economic decline of the United States created a crippling dependence on devious corporations and birthed the Free State of California.
Explore the various districts, gangs, and history of Night City. Learn all there is to know about the technology of tomorrow and research the cybernetics, weapons, and vehicles of Cyberpunk 2077.
Included with the limited edition:
Exclusive Cover: modeled after the MT0D12 Flathead robot, with metallic black gilding, and glow-in-the-dark “sensors!”
Militech Clamshell Case: a special embossed case that looks as if it could hold high-level corporate secrets within!
Acetate [MT0D12] Flathead Blueprint: two acetate blueprints of the top-of-the-line MTD012 Flathead robot!
Militech Employee ID Card: an acrylic ID card used by Militech staff and freelancers to gain access to the most secure corporate intel!
Enamel Pins: four enamel pins to show off your Militech corpo pride!
Souvenir License Plate: make any vehicle look as if it’s been selected from Militech’s elite motor pool!
Temporary Tattoos: show your alignment with any of Night City’s varied, colorful gangs!
Johnny Silverhand Poster: a memorial to the gone-but-not-forgotten superstar, Johnny Silverhand!
Vehicle Postcards: Four postcards that each showcase a vehicle from one of Night City’s diverse and unique lifestyles!