• [The Lunar Chronicles: Boxed Set (New Editions) (Product Image)]
  • The Lunar Chronicles: Boxed Set (New Editions)

    • Currently Unavailable
    Author: Marissa Meyer
    Published by: Square Fish

    £42.47 RRP£50.00

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Product Description

Once upon a time, in the future . . . .

The Lunar Chronicles are futuristic retellings of classic fairy tales. In Cinder, a teenage cyborg (half human, half machine) must deal with a wicked stepmother, start a rebellion against the evil Queen Levana, and decide how she feels about a handsome prince.

As the series continues, Cinder forges alliances with Scarlet, a spaceship pilot who is determined to solve the mystery of a missing loved one, with the help of a magnetic street fighter named Wolf; Cress, a computer hacker who is imprisoned by Queen Levana; and Winter, a princess who’s in love with a commoner, and who discovers that Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress may hold the key to saving her kingdom, and the world.

Follow Marissa Meyer’s The Lunar Chronicles from the beginning with Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Fairest: Levana’s Story, Stars Above (a collection of stories set in the Lunar Chronicles universe), and the epic conclusion, Winter.

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 4184652
  • 978125077407156794
  • 9781250774071