• [Escape Pod: The Science Fiction Anthology (Product Image)]
  • Escape Pod: The Science Fiction Anthology

      Authors: S B Divya, and 15 more
      Published by: Titan Books

      £6.99 RRP£8.99

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    Product Description

    Celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of cutting-edge science fiction from the hit podcast, Escape Pod. Escape Pod has been bringing the finest short fiction to millions of ears all over the world, at the forefront of a new fiction revolution.

    This anthology gathers together sixteen stories, including new and exclusive work from writers such as from N. K. Jemisin, Ted Chiang, Cory Doctorow, Ann Leckie, Ken Liu and Charlie Jane Anders and more. From editors Mur Laffterty and S.B. Divya comes the science fiction collection of the year, bringing together bestselling authors in celebration of the publishing phenomenon that is, Escape Pod.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 4184027
    • 9781789095012