Mike Hammer: Masquerade For Murder (Hardcover)
- Authors: Mickey Spillane, and Max Allan Collins
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
Hammer is at a high society party when a wealthy and well-respected man, Colby, is hit by a car and badly injured. When all he expected was a night on the town, Mike is hired to find out who was driving the car.
His search leads him on a trail of murders, the victims often exhibiting the same kind of strangulation as the cause of death. How are they connected to an accident involving Corby, and why is the man himself acting so strangely?
Product Specifications
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- Authors
- Genre
- Promotion
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Hardback
- Cat. No.
- 4717812
- 9781785655562
- 9781785655562