Spider-Man #3 (Camuncoli 2099 Variant)
- Sale
- Currently Unavailable
- From: Spider-Man
- Universe: Marvel
- Authors: J J Abrams, and Henry Abrams
- Artist: Sara Pichelli
- Published by: Marvel Comics
RRP£3.60- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
J.J. Abrams’ (Star Wars, Star Trek, Alias) comic debut continues, co-written by his son Henry with art by superstar Sara Pichelli (SPIDER-MAN, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY).
The most anticipated comic of 2019 takes a turn you won’t believe. If you think you know what’s going to happen to Peter and Mary Jane next, you’re wrong.
Rated T
Product Specifications
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- Artist
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- Genre
- Previews
- Promotion
- Publisher
- Series
- Type
- Universe
- Wednesday Comics
- Binding
- Comic
- Cat. No.
- 4678786
- 75960609354000331