• [Marvel Classic Novels: X-Men: The Mutant Empire Omnibus (Product Image)]
  • Marvel Classic Novels: X-Men: The Mutant Empire Omnibus

      Universe: Marvel
      Author: Christopher Golden
      Published by: Titan Books

      £8.99 RRP£9.99

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    Product Description

    They live as outcasts, hated and feared by the very humanity they protect. They are mutants, born with strange and wonderful powers that set them apart from the rest of the human race. Under the tutelage of Professor Charles Xavier, they are more than mutants. They are - the X-Men.

    Magneto - the X-Men’s oldest, deadliest foe - has taken over a top-secret government installation that houses the Sentinels, powerful mutant-hunting robots.

    The X-Men must fight to keep this deadly technology out of Magneto’s hands and stop him from carrying out his grand plan: establishing a global Mutant Empire. The X-Men must join forces with old enemies to stop him - but in Magneto’s brave new world, who can they trust?

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 4634171
    • 9781789093322
    • 9781789093322