• [The Forbidden City (Product Image)]
  • The Forbidden City

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    Author: Deborah A Wolf
    Published by: Titan Books

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Product Description

In this book, Jian begins a brutal and bloody climb up the ranks of the Daechen as the Emperor’s long plans near fruition.

Sulema is likewise initiated into the ways of Atualon and the power of Atulfah, and finds that her father’s bright city is built on a foundation of dark and terrible secrets.

Hafsa Azeina begins a trek down paths stranger and more dangerous than even she could have imagined.

And the Zeeranim must face not only their traditional, external enemies, but treachery and betrayal from within.

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 4416098
  • 9781785651113
  • 9781785651113