Edens Zero: Volume 1
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- Currently Unavailable
- From: Edens Zero
- Author: Hiro Mashima
- Artist: Hiro Mashima
- Published by: Kodansha Comics
RRP£10.99- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
It’s here! The creator of Fairy Tail, manga superstar Hiro Mashima, is back with a high-flying space adventure!
All the steadfast friendship, crazy fighting, and blue cats you’ve come to expect in space! A young boy gazes up at the sky and sees a streaming bolt of light. The friendly, armour-clad being at his side tells him gently, ‘That’s a dragon.’ The fact that he’s joking isn’t important.
What’s important is the look of wonder on the boy’s face and the galaxy-spanning adventure that’s about to take place! Join Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail, Rave Master) once more as he takes to the stars for another thrilling saga!
Product Specifications
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- Artist
- Author
- Genres
- Previews
- Promotions
- Publisher
- Series
- Type
- Binding
- Trade Paperback
- Volume
- 1
- Cat. No.
- 4374251
- 9781632367563