Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes: The Devil And The Four
- Universe: Sherlock Holmes
- Author: Sam Siciliano
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
Sherlock Holmes’s latest case takes him to the heart of Paris, in pursuit of Marguerite Hardy - a mysterious Frenchwoman who fled her comfortable English home when she received a strange letter.
Desperate for her safe return, her husband begs for Holmes’s help. But Holmes’s investigations will take him and his cousin, Henry Vernier, into a world of theft, seduction and betrayal - and uncover a secret that has been buried for over twenty years.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genre
- Promotion
- Publisher
- Type
- Universe
- Binding
- Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 4285038
- 9781785657023
- 9781785657023