• [Rivers Of London: Volume 5: Cry Fox (Product Image)]
  • Rivers Of London: Volume 5: Cry Fox

      Universe: Rivers Of London
      Author: Ben Aaronovitch
      Artist: Lee Sullivan
      Published by: Titan Comics

      £10.34 RRP£14.99

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    Product Description

    Vengeful Russian mobsters are looking to hire members of London’s own more-then-natural underworld to bring bloody retribution down on the witch Varvara.

    However, the ex-Soviet sorcerer is under the protective wing of London’s own wizarding cop, Peter Grant (now a proper detective and everything), and to get the attention of Grant and his colleagues, the the daughter of a prominent Russian oligarch is kidnapped by parties unknown but possibly fox-like.

    What makes it worse is that Peter is going to have to leave his beloved London and gasp go out into the countryside! And when there’s trees and fields and wildlife involved, things never end well.

    Product Specifications

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    • Trade Paperback
    • 5
    Cat. No.
    • 4205487
    • 9781785861727
    • 9781785861727