• [The Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes: The Haunting Of Torre Abbey (Product Image)]
  • The Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes: The Haunting Of Torre Abbey

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    Universe: Sherlock Holmes
    Author: Carole Bugge
    Published by: Titan Books

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Product Description

Sherlock Holmes receives a request for aid from Lord Charles Cary, whose family is seemingly being threatened by ghosts in and around the family manor, Torre Abbey.

Once a monastery, the abbey has a long history of hauntings. While skeptical of the supernatural, Holmes does believe that the Carys are in danger, a belief that proves horrifyingly accurate when, shortly after Holmes and Watson arrive, a household member dies mysteriously, seemingly of fright.

As strange sightings and threatening apparitions become almost commonplace, the companions must uncover the secrets of the abbey if they are to have any hope of protecting the living and avenging the dead.

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 4062493
  • 9781785655821
  • 9781785655821