• [Star Wars: A New Hope: Celebration Special (Hardcover) (Product Image)]
  • Star Wars: A New Hope: Celebration Special (Hardcover)

      Universe: Star Wars
      Author: Titan Books
      Published by: Titan Magazines

      £11.99 RRP£14.99

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    Product Description

    Behind-the-scenes of the original Star Wars movie!

    A detailed look at the making of the movie that started it all: A New Hope!

    Featuring rarely seen images, information on the creation of the story and the realization of the iconic elements that came together to create an enduring modern myth that has enthralled audiences for decades.

    A detailed look at the making of the movie that started it all: A New Hope! Featuring rarely seen images, information on the creation of the story and the realization of the iconic elements that came together to create an enduring modern myth that has enthralled audiences for decades.

    Product Specifications

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    • Hardback
    Cat. No.
    • 4015444
    • 9781785864605
    • 9781785864605