Star Wars: Volume 6: Out Among The Stars
- Discontinued
- Universe: Star Wars
- Authors: Jason Aaron, and Jason Latour
- Artists: Michael Walsh, and Salvador Larroca
- Published by: Marvel Comics
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Product Description
Your favorite rebel rabble-rousers run riot across the galaxy! Luke Skywalker finally gets the alone time he’s been after with Princess Leia - unfortunately, it comes while they’re stranded on a desert island!
In tales of the Star Wars underworld, Sana and Lando join forces on Coruscant to swindle some credits, and Han and Chewie go back to smugglingfor a Hutt?!
Then, when the Alliance starts the search for a new secret base, Han leads Leia to scope out a hideout only he knowsonly to find a group of killers who want him dead! But what about the droids?
The Empire has held Threepio captive for far too long - and now his faithful friend is taking action. That’s right - it’s Artoo to the rescue!
Collecting STAR WARS (2015) #33-37 and ANNUAL #3.