• [The Complete Aliens Vs Predator: Omnibus (Product Image)]
  • The Complete Aliens Vs Predator: Omnibus

    • Currently Unavailable
    Universe: Predator, and Alien
    Authors: Steve Perry, and Stephani Perry
    Published by: Titan Books

    £6.99 RRP£7.99

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Product Description

Contains three classic, previously published Alien vs Predator novels: Prey, Hunter’s Planet and War.

Machiko Noguchi accepted the supervision of the Ryushi ranching colony as a challenge. Little did she know that soon she would defend it with her life.

First the carcass of a spider-like alien is discovered. Then a rancher’s family is massacred. It soon becomes clear that two strains of alien life have landed near the settlement of Prosperity Wells. One kind has been spawned as the prey in a deadly hunt. The other is the Predator.

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 3720264
  • 9781785651991
  • 9781785651991