Almost Completely Baxter: New & Selected Blurtings (Hardcover)
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- Author: Glen Baxter
- Artist: Glen Baxter
- Published by: New York Review Books
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Product Description
Over four decades and a multitude of books, “Colonel” Glen Baxter has built a world and a language all his own—slightly familiar, decidedly abnormal, irresistibly funny. Have you felt the terror of a failed Szechuan dinner? Have you seen what happens at precisely 6:15? Do you know where the beards are stored? Either way, this is the book for you.
Baxter’s drawings are a delicious stew of pulp adventure novels, highbrow hjinks, and outright absurdity: lonesome cowboys confront the latest in modern art, brave men tremble before moussaka, schoolgirls hoard hashish, and the world’s fruits are in constant peril. Wimples abound.
This new selection of Baxter’s work brings together highlights from the full sweep of his long career, and is sure to enchant both confirmed Baxterians and those iin dire need of an introduction.
Product Specifications
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- Artist
- Author
- Genre
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Hardback
- Cat. No.
- 3572191
- 9781590179857
- 9781590179857