• [Doctor Who & The Web Of Fear (Product Image)]
  • Doctor Who & The Web Of Fear

    • Discontinued
    Universe: Doctor Who
    Author: Terrance Dicks
    Published by: BBC Worldwide Consumer Publishing
    • Discontinued

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Product Description

The TARDIS is engulfed by a mysterious web-like substance in space. Breaking free, the Doctor and his companions Jamie and Victoria land in the London Underground system.

But a spreading killer mist has meant that London has been evacuated. The Great Intelligence is back – and its robot Yeti are roaming the streets and the underground tunnels.

The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria team up with an army unit working with their old friend Professor Travers to combat the menace. They soon realise, however, that someone in the group must be working for the Intelligence. With time running out, the Doctor and his friends realise they can trust no one…

This novel is based on a Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 3 February-9 March 1968.

Featuring the Second Doctor as played by Patrick Troughton with his companions Jamie and Victoria